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What is the relationship between Cbd, or Cannabidiol, and chronic pain? Is it true that Cbd extracted from hemp plants can, through our endocannabinoid system, give us pain relief? Can cbd help in the case of joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis?

There are many scientific studies that have underlined the therapeutic potential of cbd oil, composed of pure CBD extract mixed in carrier oil derived from hemp seeds, a natural remedy with practically no side effects.

General about joint pain

We often think of joint pain as a symptom of aging: a few knee aches here and there, a sore neck in the morning, or a tight back after sitting too long.

Snooping around a few figures, we find that 91 million people in the United States suffer from joint pain or some form of arthritis, according to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, including 61 million people between the ages of 18 and 64.

That’s about 68 percent more than previously reported, according to the institute, particularly among younger and middle-aged adults.

In Italy, however, this condition involves four million people, about 12.1% of the population

Joint pain can have far-reaching consequences far beyond physical pain or impact on quality of life. There are several underestimated, but important, aspects and impacts, especially at the economic and public health level, including health care costs and costs arising from loss of productivity and disability that can progress to become disabling, even in adults under 65 years of age.

One of the big challenges then is how to treat joint pain.

On the one hand, there are the classic pains resulting from prolonged exertion or sporting activity, which are as intense as they are circumscribed in time. For example, after a long day of skiing, or a hike in the mountains.
In this case, rest, ice and if necessary an anti-inflammatory drug such as ibuprofen could be enough to make a difference and eliminate the condition.

On the other hand, neglecting minor pain can potentially lead to conditions that worsen over time, becoming chronic and requiring a more structured pharmacological approach.

Pain medications generally prescribed by the doctor, such as opioids, are very common in the treatment of chronic pain, but there remains much question about long-term side effects and mechanisms of dependence and addiction.

We can also see how there are fairly restrictive warnings associated with traditional over-the-counter, self-purchase pain relievers, with most treating physicians suggesting the lowest possible dose, for the shortest period of time, leading several users to question how to treat joint pain in the long term.

In this pharmacological landscape, there are some researchers who believe cannabidiol oil holds great promise in the field of joint pain management, particularly as an alternative or adjunctive pain therapy.

Although conclusive scientific results are preliminary and, in some ways, limited, medical experts believe that CBD has a number of therapeutic properties, particularly as an anti-inflammatory and in pain reduction.

What do we mean by joint pain?

According to the Mayo Clinic, joint pain can be “discomfort, pain or inflammation arising from any part of a joint,” including cartilage, bone, ligament, tendon or muscle.

However, confusion can arise once you begin to identify the source of the pain. Sometimes, joint pain actually comes from structures outside the joints, such as ligaments, tendons or muscles. This type of pain may actually be inflammation of the tendons (e.g., tendonitis), bursitis (e.g., bursae) or something else.

When the pain comes from the actual joint, it is known as arthralgia. Joint pain is sometimes, but not always, accompanied by joint inflammation, also known as arthritis. Basically, if you have arthritis (joint inflammation), you are likely to also have arthralgia (joint pain).

Joint pain is generally acute or chronic.

Acute joint pain is usually that temporary pain or inflammation that you may experience after a period of overexertion or overuse, including a long period, repetitive motions such as heavy lifting, or a minor injury such as a sprained ankle.

This type of joint pain is usually treated with anti-inflammatory applications such as topical creams, ice or over-the-counter medications.

Acute joint pain becomes more severe when it becomes chronic, which can commonly happen if it is not treated properly and with proper care.

CBD and Joint Pain

There is a growing body of scientific research studying the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of CBD, with the general conclusion being that CBD appears safe and effective.

However, joint pain is multifaceted, and effective treatment largely depends on the patient, the specific condition of the joint, and a physician’s recommendation.

Additionally, medical studies often evaluate the effects of CBD on specific joint conditions such as neuropathic pain, osteoarthritis, or rheumatoid arthritis rather than the broad field of joint pain in general.

This means that although a study may reveal the beneficial effects of CBD on a specific joint condition, we cannot necessarily extrapolate those conclusions to the field of joint pain in general.

However, the growing interest in CBD as a natural alternative to traditional medications is prompting researchers to take a closer look at Cannabidiol. And while the scientific evidence is preliminary, many experts are expressing cautious optimism.

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Paul T. Linder